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Deliver with Simple Solutions!

Regular orders

Client satisfaction with our services is very high. We all work to their satisfaction, thanks to which, you can have access to regular orders and work in an atmosphere conducive to development.

Supervisor coordinator

We are a team, and your work needs support while you are on the move. We provide the care of a coordinator, who is in touch with you 24/7. If there are any problems, we solve them together.

Communication and support

You can count on us, and we can trust you! We focus on clear communication which contributes to development. Remember that logistics is always guided by trust in our work.

Flexible settlements

Settlements that help you grow? Let's talk about individual payment terms tailored to your options.

Terms of cooperation

We expect:

  • reliable implementation of the accepted order
  • timely delivery of cars
  • a technically operational and properly equipped vehicle
  • good communication
  • a GPS system
  • minimum EURO 5 tractor unit

We provide:

  • a certain number of kilometers
  • on-time payments
  • competitive freight rates
  • availability 24/7
  • professional service
  • driver training
  • the possibility of assigning fuel cards
  • travel cost optimization
  • checks on the entire route in terms of performance
  • the possibility of signing a contract or cooperation on the basis of single orders

  • Contact

  • +48 570 756 028
  • biuro@simple-solutions.com.pl

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